Computer Science K-6
In the grade 6 technology program, students collect and organize information into spreadsheets, produce presentations about researched material, and format documents for application in other disciplines. Software applications are practiced as tools to communicate ideas and cyber safety is stressed at all times during this once-per-cycle course. The students learn how to create useful multimedia presentations across the content areas with an emphasis on applications and introduction of tools utilized in high school classrooms. Students will also learn basic computer applications to help guide their interests for future career paths and courses of study.
Computer 5 is a once-per-cycle course focusing on computer input and output. Students will learn the strategies for navigating through a word of multimedia and social interactions using technology and how to cope with the intrinsic effects this will have as they develop in their teen years.
Computer 4 is a once-per-cycle course focusing on computer input and output. Students will learn proper formatting of a typed essay and the skills required to complete this task in a timely manner.
In the grade 3 technology program, students focus on computer input and output. Students will learn proper keyboarding skills emphasized on fingerings and accuracy. Students will continue their skills as they merge keyboarding and digital publishing across a variety of projects.
In the grade 2 technology program, students focus on computer input and output. Students will learn the basic application of typing, combined with intermediate multimedia and video skills for our growing technologically savvy population.
In the grade 1 technology program, students focus on computer input and output. Students will learn the basic application of typing, composing simple responses, drawing, sorting information, and basic multimedia manipulation.
In the Kindergarten technology program, students the basic skills required to operate a district computer in an ungraded, pressure-free, environment. Students will also learn basic computer skills required to input information and control their digital environment.
The standards identified in the Pennsylvania Standard Aligned System Academic Standards (2009-2013) for Computer Information Technologies are addressed throughout the curriculum.